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Rumours in casa Canon
Di mauro (del 08/11/2006 @ 14:19:14, in Canon, linkato 2441 volte)
E' in inglese ma il la parte interessante riguarda alcuni aspetti fondamentali, un nuovo processore il DIGIC III, un sistema antipolvere, MENO RUMORE, ISO MAGGIORI (>3200), ED UNA GAMMA DINAMICA PIU' ESTESA.
E' da brivido. Come al solito chi e' partito prima cerca di mantenere le distanze e canon vuole restare in testa a primeggiare. proseguendo si legge che caleranno i prezzi di 30D e 5D anche perche' dato il successo dell'attuale modello vedremo in futuro 2 5D, una simile all'attuale ma nel corpo di una 30D (sempre con le nuove funzioni annunciate) che sara' il modello 5d "base" ed poi ci sara' un modello top con sensore da 16Mp tipo 1Ds mark II.
La 400D restera' invece in produzione.

Canon is working hard on the next generation of DSLR's, all of which are built around DIGIC III. By PMA next year, Canon will refresh the entire range (except the 400D) with new cameras which boast the following standard features.
Lower noise, higher ISO (> 3200), higher dynamic range

So with those bits in mind, the source went on to talk about the upcoming models.

The 30D's sucessor will have the following improvements.
Improved sensor as described above. Not the same as the one in the 400D.
Still 5 FPS
More AF points and faster and more accurate AF.
1.6X Crop Factor
Obviously, no price range was given since these are prototype products, but you can imagine that the price will be similar ($1299 sounds about right).

Pretty believable stuff. Now we get to the interesting part which is related to the 5D AND is very consistent with the hefty rebates on the 30D and 5D that you will see next month.

The 5D will be partitioned into two models, a lower end model and a higher end model.

The Lower Model would be a repackaged 5D in a smaller 30D-sized body with DIGIC III, Anti-Dust, and improved AF (like the 30D successor). This would sell for less than the 5D goes for currently. If I had to a venture a guess, somewhere in the low $2000's would be about right, or even $1999 if Canon were feeling generous.

The Higher Model would include a new 16 MP sensor like the 1DS Mark II (though not the same), DIGIC III, improved AF like before, and a 5 FPS burst rate rather than 3 FPS. This would sell for a similar price to the current 5D. I would guess that $2999 would be about right.

The source is pretty reliable as he visited Canon Japan to preview these cameras and broke the news on the 400D very accurately. This all sounds pretty plausible, otherwise I wouldn't be reporting it.
