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Aggiornato il firmware della D2H
Di mauro (del 22/02/2005 @ 08:45:21, in Nikon, linkato 1429 volte)

Doppio aggiornamento firmware per la Nikon D2H.


Cresce sia il firmware della macchina alla versione 2.01 che il firmware WT-1 ovvero quello del modulo wireless. Sono stati corretti vari BUG che portavano al "congelamento" della macchina ed alcuni problemi.

Vi ricordo cautela nell'effettuare queste operazioni e leggete bene le istruzioni.


Nikon D2H firmware update version 2.01

What has been changed in version 2.01 of the firmware?

  • The D2H sometimes froze with uninterrupted navigation between a number of photographs while playback zoom was activated. This problem has been corrected.
  • When Image review in the playback menu was set to On and a photograph taken just after the camera stopped metering exposure (Auto meter-off activated) was displayed in the camera monitor, there was a significant delay before the shutter was released when the shutter-release button was pressed while this photo was displayed. This problem has been corrected.
  • When AF-area mode was set to Group dynamic-AF and a6 Focus area illum* in the CSM menu was set to When selected>1 s, the focus area was illuminated for 1 second with a half-press of the shutter-release button. This problem has been corrected. * Focus area illum is Custom Setting a5 with D2H firmware version 1.0.
  • A problem that prevented saving of WT-1 settings when the WT-1 was connected to the D2H has been corrected. This problem occurred with the following operations:

    -The Wireless LAN Transceiver option was set to Off after connection to an FTP server. WT-1 settings were then adjusted and the D2H was turned off.
    -The Wireless LAN Transceiver option was set to Off after connection to an FTP server. WT-1 settings were then adjusted, Transceiver set to On and then set to Off while connecting to a server, and the D2H was turned off.
  • Incorrect character displays in Spanish, Chinese, and German menus have been corrected.
  • The following problem that occurred when the camera was controlled from Camera menu>Custom Settings... in Nikon Capture 4 has been corrected. (Macintosh only)
  • When the Aperture setting option in f5 Command dials was switched from Aperture ring to Sub-command dial, Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control sometimes quit unexpectedly or displayed an inconsistent aperture value.

WT-1 firmware update version 1.10

What has been changed in version 1.10 of the firmware?

  • Support for the Nikon D2X and D2Hs has been added. With upgrade of WT-1 firmware to version 1.1, the WT-1 can be used with the Nikon D2X and D2Hs cameras.