Probabilmente uno dei migliori libri dell’anno, estremamente attuale, legato all’ultima campagna presidenziale USA, ma sebbene sviluppato su un evento tanto recente davvero di gran livello, foto davvero belle, un duro giudizio sulla politica.
Estremamente consigliato!
Steidl Dap

Over the past two years New York-based Mark Peterson (born 1955) has photographed American presidential candidates as they lead rallies, meet with the public and plead for votes. He began documenting the race shortly before the government shutdown in 2013 at a Tea Party rally at the US Capitol, when politicians were railing against President Obama and the Affordable Care Act. Since then Peterson has followed the political spin as it approaches the November 2016 election, creating already-famous images of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie and others, cutting through the staging of their personalities and revealing the cold, naked ambition for power. This volume documents what has been widely described as the most polarized and bizarre presidential race in American history. Mark Peterson's work has been published in The New York Times Magazine, New York, Fortune, Time, ESPN The Magazine and Geo, among many others. His numerous awards include a W. Eugene Smith support grant. Peterson's book Acts of Charity was published in 2004 by Powerhouse Books.