%> dBlog - Rinnovo completo della gamma Panasonic

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Esposimetro e grigio-medio
La Composizione Fotografica
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Fotografare senza esposimetro
Grazie a Marco Scarpelli ora anche il manuale della Kiev88 e la guida a cosa fare e non fare con la russa.

Non siete ancora stanchi? Leggete:LEICA REFLEX: Luci e ombre di una principessa che non divenne regina.” , " LEICA M la saga senza fine" i fondamentali scritti su leica di Sante Castignani ora arricchiti da un nuovo articolo sulle ottiche Voigtlander: "Voigtlander al Microscopio".

"Le ottiche EF Autofocus di Canon" di Pino Caprio

Aggiungo qualche risorsa anche per i felici possassori della HOLGA
Da Lomography: Manuale Italiano ed utilizzo di film 35mm.
Da Polaroid: Rendere piu’ luminosa la holga, concise, Holder instructions + Piu’ qualche mia disavventura con i film tipo 80 di polaroid - Manuale della LOMO LC-A in inglese - sempre in inglese potete trovare qui i manuali della gloriosa polaroid SX70 e della Automatic Land Camera 250 questa selezione fa parte del sito orphan cameras sul quale potete trovare davvero tanti libretti di istruzione per tutti i gusti. Ovviamente e' giusto ricordare anche il link ufficiale Polaroid dove trovare alcuni manuali. Segnalo ancora sempre per gli appassionati polaroid il video edito da Freestyle (trovate il link sotto) sulla realizzazione di un Polaroid Image Transfer ed uno sulla manipolazione delle polaroid SX-70 (Purtroppo Polaroid ha annunciato la chiusura della produzione di film SX-70, per chi vuole provare questa tecnica occorre affrettarsi e ricordate che non e' necessaria una Camera Sx-70 ma se posizionate un filtro neutro +2 stop davanti all'esposimetro potete usare i film Sx-70 anche su normali camere 600!!!!!).

E poi ancora:

Link Fotografia:

Fotografia e Informazione
Lens Performance
Lens Performance RAW Data
Roberto Piero Ottavi
Mauro Fiorese
Gruppo Polaser
Maurizio Galimberti
Paolo Gioli
Massimo Stefanutti
Fotografia Anni 30
Gruppo Rodolfo Namias
Found photography
Guida Usato Fotografico

d.r.fotografia - black'n white photography

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Rinnovo completo della gamma Panasonic
Di mauro (del 23/07/2004 @ 14:10:55, in Panasonic, linkato 2937 volte)

Panasonic rinnova la sua gamma di fotocamere digitali. La casa giapponese che ci ha abituati a macchine con lenti superbe (Leica) con stabilizzatore e costi abbastanza contenuti.

La notizia e' ottima anche magari potete trovare qualche offerta riguardo alla serie lumix attualmente in vendita, ma vediamo brevemente alcune carattersitiche. Le macchine sono nell'ordine FX7, LC80, FZ3, FZ15 ed FZ20.

Devo anche dire che il bel 12x stabilizzato della leica adesso che alle spalle ha anche un sensore decente mi attira molto, e' sicuramente una macchina divertente come deve essere una digitale, forse perde un po' in portabilita' ma abitua al passaggio seguente (se nasce la passione) la reflex.

Panasonic DMC-FX2

Panasonic DMC-FX7
Sensor • 1/2.5" Type CCD
• 4.2 million pixels total
• 4.0 million effective pixels
• 1/2.5" Type CCD
• 5.4 million pixels total
• 5.0 million effective pixels
Image sizes • 2304 x 1728
• 1600 x 1200
• 1280 x 960
• 640 x 480
• 1920 x 1080 (HDTV 16:9)
• 2560 x 1920
• 2048 x 1536
• 1600 x 1200
• 1280 x 960
• 640 x 480
• 1920 x 1080 (HDTV 16:9)
Movie clips • 320 x 240 (10 / 30 fps)
• No audio
• Limited only by storage
• 320 x 240 (10 / 30 fps)
• With audio
• Limited only by storage
File formats • Still: JPEG (EXIF 2.2): Fine / Standard
• Movies: MOV (Motion JPEG)
Lens • 35 - 105 mm equiv. (3x zoom)
• F2.8 - F5.0
• MEGA OIS (Mode 1 / Mode 2)
Image stabilization Yes, optical, two modes
Digital zoom Yes, up to 4x
AF area modes • 1 point
• 3 points
• 9 points
• Spot
AF assist lamp Yes
Focus distance • Normal: 0.5 m - Infinity
• Macro: 5 cm
Metering Intelligent Multiple
ISO sensitivity • Auto
• ISO 64
• ISO 100
• ISO 200
• ISO 400
• Auto
• ISO 80
• ISO 100
• ISO 200
• ISO 400
Exposure compensation • +/- 2.0 EV
• 1/3 EV steps
Exposure bracketing • 3 frames
• 0.3 to 1 EV steps
Shuttter speed 8 - 1/2000 sec
Aperture • Two steps
• At wide: F2.8 / F5.6
Modes • Normal Picture
• Simple
• Macro
• Scene
• Moving Image
• Playback
Scene modes • Portrait
• Sports
• Landscape
• Night Landscape
• Night Portrait
• Fireworks
• Party
• Snow
• Self-portrait
White balance • Auto
• Daylight
• Cloudy
• Halogen
• Manual
WB fine tune Yes
Self timer 2 or 10 sec
Continuous shooting • Full resolution: 4 or 2 fps
• Full resolution: 10 / 5 images
• Infinite consecutive (unlimited but slower shooting rate)
• Full resolution: 3 fps or 2 fps
• Full resolution: max 7 / 4 images
• Infinite consecutive (unlimited but slower shooting rate)
Image parameters Color (Natural, Standard, Vivid)
Flash • Built-in
• Modes: Auto, Auto with red-eye reduction, Slow sync, On/Off
• Range: (wide) 4.0 m, (tele) 2.2 m
Viewfinder None
LCD monitor • 2.0" TFT LCD
• 130,000 pixels
• 2.5" TFT LCD
• 114,000 pixels
Connectivity • USB 1.1
• A/V out
Print compliance PictBridge
Storage • Secure Digital / MMC card
• 16 MB SD card supplied
Power • Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery
• Charger included
Weight (no batt) 130 g (4.6 oz) 135 g (4.8 oz)
Weight (inc batt) 148 g (5.2 oz) 153 g (5.4 oz)
Dimensions 94 x 50 x 24 mm (3.7 x 2.0 x 1.0 in)



• 1/2.5" Type CCD
• 5.4 million pixels total
• 5.0 million effective pixels
Image sizes • 2560 x 1920
• 2048 x 1536
• 1600 x 1200
• 1280 x 960
• 640 x 480
• 1920 x 1080 (16:9 HDTV)
Movie clips • 320 x 240 (10 / 30 fps)
• With audio
• Limited only by storage
File formats • Still: JPEG (EXIF 2.2): Fine / Standard
• Movies: MOV (Motion JPEG)
Lens • 35 - 105 mm equiv. (3x zoom)
• F2.8 - F4.9
Image stabilization No
Digital zoom Yes, up to 3x
Focus distance • Normal: 0.5 m - Infinity
• Macro: 10 cm
Metering • Intelligent Multiple
• Spot
ISO sensitivity • Auto
• ISO 80
• ISO 100
• ISO 200
• ISO 400
Exposure compensation • +/- 2.0 EV
• 1/3 EV steps
Exposure bracketing • 3 frames
• 0.3 to 1 EV steps
Shuttter speed 8 - 1/2000 sec
Aperture • Two steps
• At wide: F2.8 / F8.0
Modes • Simple
• Normal Picture
• Economy
• Macro
• Portrait
• Landscape
• Night Portrait
• Moving Image
• Playback
White balance • Auto
• Daylight
• Cloudy
• Halogen
• Manual
White balance fine tune Yes
Self timer 2 or 10 sec
Continuous shooting • Full resolution: 2.7 or 1.5 fps (except for ISO 400)
• Full resolution: max 9 images (standard mode), 5 images (fine mode)
Image parameters Color (Natural, Standard, Vivid)
Flash • Built-in
• Modes: Auto, Auto with red-eye reduction, Slow sync, On/Off
• Range: (wide) 4.8 m, (tele) 2.8 m
Viewfinder Optical
LCD monitor • 1.5" TFT LCD
• 114,000 pixels
Connectivity • USB 1.1
• A/V out
Print compliance • PictBridge
• USB Direct Print
Storage • Secure Digital / MMC card
• 16 MB SD card supplied
Power • 2 x AA batteries
• NiMH recommended (Alkaline supplied)
Weight (no batt) 162 g (5.7 oz)
Weight (inc batt) 207 g (7.3 oz)

88 x 64 x 35 mm (3.4 x 2.5 x 1.4 in)




• 1/3.2" Type CCD
• 3.3 million pixels total
• 3.1 million effective pixels

Image sizes • 2016 x 1512
• 1600 x 1200
• 1280 x 960
• 640 x 480
• 1920 x 1080 (16:9 HDTV)
Movie clips • 320 x 240 (10 / 30 fps)
• With audio
• Limited only by storage
File formats • Still: TIFF, JPEG (EXIF 2.2): Fine / Standard
• Movies: MOV (Motion JPEG)
Lens • 35 - 420 mm equiv. (12x zoom)
• F2.8 (throughout zoom range)
• MEGA OIS (Mode 1 / Mode 2)
Image stabilization Yes, optical, two modes
Digital zoom Yes, up to 4x
AF area modes • 1 point
• 3 points
• 9 points
• Spot
AF assist lamp Yes
Focus distance • Normal: 0.3 m - Infinity
• Macro: 5 cm
Metering • Intelligent Multiple
• Center weighted
• Spot
ISO sensitivity • Auto
• ISO 80
• ISO 100
• ISO 200
• ISO 400
Exposure compensation • +/- 2.0 EV
• 1/3 EV steps
Exposure bracketing • 3 frames
• 0.3 to 1 EV steps
Shuttter speed 8 - 1/2000 sec
Aperture F2.8 - F8.0
Modes • Program
• Aperture Priority
• Shutter Priority
• Manual
• Macro
• Simple
• Scene
• Moving Image
• Playback
Scene modes • Portrait
• Sports
• Landscape
• Night Landscape
• Panning
• Night Portrait
• Fireworks
• Party
• Snow
White balance • Auto
• Daylight
• Cloudy
• Halogen
• Flash
• Manual
White balance fine tune Yes
Self timer 2 or 10 sec
Continuous shooting • Full resolution: 4 or 2 fps
• Full resolution: max 13 images (standard mode), 7 images (fine mode)
• Infinite consecutive (unlimited but slower shooting rate)
Image parameters Color (Natural, Standard, Vivid)
Flash • Built-in
• Modes: Auto, Auto with red-eye reduction, Slow sync, On/Off
• Range: 4.6 m
Viewfinder • 0.33" EVF (electronic viewfinder)
• 114,000 pixels
LCD monitor • 1.5" TFT LCD
• 114,000 pixels
Connectivity • USB 1.1
• A/V out
Print compliance PictBridge
Storage • Secure Digital / MMC card
• 8 MB SD card supplied
Power • Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery
• Charger included
Weight (no batt) 290 g (10.2 oz)
Weight (inc batt) 326 g (11.5 oz)
Dimensions 108 x 68 x 85 mm (4.3 x 2.7 x 3.3 in)



• 1/2.5" Type CCD
• 4.3 million pixels total
• 4.0 million effective pixels

Image sizes • 2304 x 1728
• 1600 x 1200
• 1280 x 960
• 640 x 480
• 1920 x 1080 (16:9 HDTV)
Movie clips • 320 x 240 (10 / 30 fps)
• No audio
• Limited only by storage
File formats • Still: TIFF, JPEG (EXIF 2.2): Fine / Standard
• Movies: MOV (Motion JPEG)
Lens • 36 - 432 mm equiv. (12x zoom)
• F2.8 (throughout zoom range)
• MEGA OIS (Mode 1 / Mode 2)
Image stabilization Yes, optical, two modes
Conversion lenses Yes
Digital zoom Yes, up to 4x
Focus • AF mode
• Normal/Macro(Dial)
• Continuous AF On/Off
• Manual Focus(Ring)
• One-shot AF
AF area modes • 1 point
• 3 points
• 9 points
• Spot
AF assist lamp Yes
Focus distance • Normal: 0.3 m - Infinity
• Macro: 5 cm
Metering • Intelligent Multiple
• Center weighted
• Spot
ISO sensitivity • Auto
• ISO 64
• ISO 100
• ISO 200
• ISO 400
Exposure compensation • +/- 2.0 EV
• 1/3 EV steps
Exposure bracketing • 3 frames
• 0.3 to 1 EV steps
Shuttter speed 8 - 1/2000 sec
Aperture F2.8 - F8.0
Modes • Program (with shift)
• Aperture Priority
• Shutter Priority
• Manual
• Macro
• Simple
• Moving Image
• Playback
Scene modes • Portrait
• Sports
• Landscape
• Night Landscape
• Panning
• Night Portrait
• Fireworks
• Party
• Snow
White balance • Auto
• Daylight
• Cloudy
• Halogen
• Flash
• Manual
White balance fine tune Yes
Self timer 2 or 10 sec
Continuous shooting • Full resolution: 4 or 2 fps
• Full resolution: max 7 images (standard mode), 4 images (fine mode)
• Infinite consecutive (unlimited but slower shooting rate)
Image parameters • Contrast (Low, Standard, High)
• Sharpness (Low, Standard, High)
• Saturation (Low, Standard, High)
• Noise reduction (Low, Standard, High)
Flash • Built-in
• Modes: Auto, Auto with red-eye reduction, Slow sync, On/Off
• Range: 7.0 m
Viewfinder • 0.33" EVF (electronic viewfinder)
• 114,000 pixels
LCD monitor • 2.0" TFT LCD
• 130,000 pixels
Connectivity • USB 1.1
• A/V out
Print compliance PictBridge
Storage • Secure Digital / MMC card
• 16 MB SD card supplied
Power • Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery
• Charger included
Weight (no batt) 520 g (1.1 lb)
Weight (inc batt) 556 g (1.2 lb)
Dimensions 128 x 87 x 106 mm (5.0 x 3.4 x 4.2 in)



• 1/2.5" Type CCD
• 5.3 million pixels total
• 5.0 million effective pixels

Image sizes • 2560 x 1920
• 2048 x 1536
• 1600 x 1200
• 1280 x 960
• 640 x 480
• 1920 x 1080 (16:9 HDTV)
Movie clips • 320 x 240 (10 / 30 fps)
• With audio
• Limited only by storage
File formats • Still: TIFF, JPEG (EXIF 2.2): Fine / Standard
• Movies: MOV (Motion JPEG)
Lens • 36 - 432 mm equiv. (12x zoom)
• F2.8 (throughout zoom range)
• MEGA OIS (Mode 1 / Mode 2)
Image stabilization Yes, optical, two modes
Conversion lenses Yes
Digital zoom Yes, up to 4x
Focus • AF mode
• Normal/Macro(Dial)
• Continuous AF On/Off
• Manual Focus(Ring)
• One-shot AF
AF area modes • 1 point
• 3 points
• 9 points
• Spot
AF assist lamp Yes
Focus distance • Normal: 0.3 m - Infinity
• Macro: 5 cm
Metering • Intelligent Multiple
• Center weighted
• Spot
ISO sensitivity • Auto
• ISO 80
• ISO 100
• ISO 200
• ISO 400
Exposure compensation • +/- 2.0 EV
• 1/3 EV steps
Exposure bracketing • 3 frames
• 0.3 to 1 EV steps
Shuttter speed 8 - 1/2000 sec
Aperture F2.8 - F8.0
Modes • Program (with shift)
• Aperture Priority
• Shutter Priority
• Manual
• Macro
• Simple
• Moving Image
• Playback
Scene modes • Portrait
• Sports
• Landscape
• Night Landscape
• Panning
• Night Portrait
• Fireworks
• Party
• Snow
White balance • Auto
• Daylight
• Cloudy
• Halogen
• Flash
• Manual
White balance fine tune Yes
Self timer 2 or 10 sec
Continuous shooting • Full resolution: 3 or 2 fps
• Full resolution: max 7 images (standard mode), 4 images (fine mode)
• Infinite consecutive (unlimited but slower shooting rate)
Image parameters • Contrast (Low, Standard, High)
• Sharpness (Low, Standard, High)
• Saturation (Low, Standard, High)
• Noise reduction (Low, Standard, High)
Flash • Built-in
• Modes: Auto, Auto with red-eye reduction, Slow sync, On/Off
• Range: 7.0 m
• External flash via hot-shoe
Viewfinder • 0.33" EVF (electronic viewfinder)
• 114,000 pixels
LCD monitor • 2.0" TFT LCD
• 130,000 pixels
Connectivity • USB 1.1
• A/V out
Print compliance PictBridge
Storage • Secure Digital / MMC card
• 16 MB SD card supplied
Power • Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery
• Charger included
Weight (no batt) 520 g (1.1 lb)
Weight (inc batt) 556 g (1.2 lb)
Dimensions 128 x 87 x 106 mm (5.0 x 3.4 x 4.2 in)


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